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This job board is provided by Rocky Mountain College as a service to our community and the public looking for employment option. RMC reserves the right to decline posting any position that it deems to not be consistent with its purposes and ethos. In posting a position, RMC does not necessarily endorse the organization nor the position. RMC assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of any posting. Those posting a position should check this site to ensure that it is correct and contact RMC immediately if errors are found or if it needs to be changed.
To submit a post for the JOB Board:
Send an email to enrolment@rockymountaincollege.ca with a PDF version of the employment description/outline attached. It will be evaluated and if it is consistent with RMC’s purposes and ethos, then it will appear with in one of the posting categories.
Camp/Other Opportunities
Athletes in Action
The AIA Clubs Director will work together with Regional Directors to implement the vision for Clubs across the
country of Canada.
Church/Ministry Opportunities
Youth Pastor - Powers Creek
Powers Creek Community Church is searching for a Family/Youth Ministries Pastor. The Okanagan region is one of the fastest growing cities in Canada. The ideal candidate will demonstrate proven experience-either volunteer or paid- in local church youth and children’s ministry.
Grace Baptist Church in Calgary AB
Grace Baptist Church is seeking a Lead Pastor who is focused on growing in his walk with the Lord and using his spiritual gifts to lead GBC.
Cochrane Worship Pastor
Lead our congregation to worship unreservedly by exalting Jesus and welcoming the ministry
of the Holy Spirit through song and other creative, artistic expressions of faith and worship.
Resident Pastor
The Sea to Sky Network is a leadership development and church planting movement in Western
Canada based in Calgary, Alberta.
Calvary Baptist Church of Gibsons
Solo Pastor - We have an exceptional opportunity for a dynamic young pastor.
Aylmer Evengelical Missionary Church
We are currently searching for a new Pastor, as ours retired recently.
Kids Ministry Internship - Summerland Bapsist Church
Summerland Baptist Church in Summerland, BC is offering a Kids Ministry Intern. Please see bellow for details.
Youth Ministry Internship - Summerland Bapsist Church
Summerland Baptist Church in Summerland, BC is offering a Youth Ministry Intern. Please see bellow for details.
Sea to Sky Network Practicums
Our practicums are supervised ministry placements for students in graduate, undergraduate,
or certificate programs.
Bramalea Free Methodist Church - Lead Pastor
The Open Door is looking for a lead Pastor. Our history in Brantford dates back over 130 years in the Free
Methodist Church.